Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fraza cvasi-dadaista

...pun la bătaie tot ceea ce ştiu, într-o încercare disperată de a estompa impresia proastă  în hohotele de râs ale nimănui.

Cunoastem jocul*

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I had two things that I wanted to see in India : my sis's family(her of course, Prashu and Pikoo) and PALM TREES! 
But then as you can see...I always say some countries are just perfect for photography because they just ARE you don't have to fake anything or make it look pretty. Here you have thousands of subjects for taking pictures in every corner...the single problem is ...the non existing air outside..so if you believe me or not most of pictures are clicked from the car :P
As I was just imagining at first how India might be...and from the terrifying stories  my sister was telling me about India...well she was almost right about everything : stink, beggars, garbage...all you can imagine on that subject....if it wasn't so stinky and dirty...what photos would I click!!!so...from my point of view that's not entirely a bad thing :P
I'll write more ..this is just the beginning....:P